Our School
The first school in the County of Carleton was erected at Richmond, Ontario in 1820. A two-room grammar school was located on Cockburn Street in 1854. In 1895, a building which housed both a public elementary and high school was constructed within the town limits. Twenty -nine years later on March 27, 1924, this school burned to the ground and a new brick school called the “Richmond Continuation School” was erected on the present site at the corner of McBean and Martin streets. Since that time, additions and renovations have been made to the school (in 1947, 1958, 1969, 1972, 1997 and 2013), that have modified the appearance of the original building.
Today, Richmond Public School embodies the characteristics of a community school: parents and community members are actively involved and great supporters of the school in its efforts to develop lifelong learners.
Ongoing in-school and after school events are planned throughout the year.
Our Students
Richmond PS has an enrollment of 355 students. They live in the village of Richmond, on working farms and in rural Goulbourn Township.
We have the Early Learning Program (Full Day Kindergarten). When our students complete grade 5, many of them go to Goulbourn Middle School, then return to Richmond to attend South Carleton High School.
Our Staff
Richmond PS has a dedicated and skilled instructional staff consisting of teachers, early childhood educators, and educational assistants, working together in the common goal of student achievement and well-being.
Our Chief Custodian, Shaun Holland, in addition to maintaining our facilities, is an integral part of school-based activities.
Diane Blank and Julie St.Jean, our welcoming office staff, are available to greet visitors and respond to phone inquiries in addition to the many other duties they perform.
Our Library Technician, Robbie Judd is with us 2 days a week.
Our Community
We have an active and supportive School Council at RPS. The School Council, made up of parents and staff representatives, is an important part of our school community. For more information, please visit the School Council section of this website.
Vision Statement
At RPS, we are Stronger Together!
Facilities and Resources
- Chromebooks and iPads available for students, with built-in projectors in every classroom
- A library/resource centre
- Literacy room, including math and science manipulatives
- A Body Break Resource Room
- A large yard, which has grassy play areas (soccer field and baseball diamond), blacktop surfaces, basketball hoops and games printed on blacktop, a play structure and large sandbox area as well as several other climbing apparatuses
- A separate enclosed play yard for our junior and senior kindergarten students.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Dual Language Kindergarten (50% english/50% french)
Grade 1-5 Regular English, with Core French
Grade 4 and 5 Middle French Immersion
School Organization
Richmond Public School is a JK - Grade 5 English and Middle French Immersion community school. This year, we have approximately 355 students. In the school, we have 4 JKSK classes, 7 english classes in grades 1-5, and 2 Middle French Immersion classes for grades 4 and 5.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Specialized support and educational assessments are provided by our Learning Support Teacher (LST) and Learning Resource Teacher (LRT) in the regular classrooms and in small group instruction settings when necessary.
Curriculum modifications are made based on identified needs of individual students. Our special education team also supports any English Language Learners, and we have access to ESL itinerant teachers for additional support as required.
Typical Clubs and Activities
- Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser
- Terry Fox Run
- Choir
- Drama Club
- Lego Club
- Art Club
- Leaders Club
- ASL Club (Sign Language)
- EarthCARE Program
- RPS Celebration days
- Seasonal Intramural sports including: cross-country running, soccer, track and field, bordenball, and basketball
- Themed Assemblies
- Community Outreach
- Talent Show
Safe Schools Initiatives
We have many plans and procedures in place this year to ensure the utmost safety of our staff and students. All staff members are involved in ensuring that the school is a safe and happy place for our students.